We now have our new reverse cycle air-conditioners installed and working beautifully thanks to a grant from the Ballarat City Council. This will be beneficial to members for the colder days and hot days whilst assisting with reducing our environmental impact.
Well we have finally had the installation of our new dust extraction unit thanks to City of Ballarat for providing much needed funds through their Smarty Grants - Community Impact Program.
This grant provided us with $13,410 to cover the cost of our basic extraction unit and a branch line of ducting. The shed covered the remaining costs of the main ducting line and 2 additional branch lines to ensure adequate coverage of the wood work area. Total project costs was $29,867.47 which is a significant amount for the shed to outlay.
After 12 years of commitment and hard work by the members and the generous support of the wider community, Ballarat East Community Men’s Shed has finally paid off the property loan. BECS is fortunate in that it is one of very few sheds that own their premises and are not governed by an auspicing body. It is also unique in the extent of the facilities with three large buildings that offers members numerous activities including woodwork, engineering, automotive servicing, picture framing, photography, gardening, guitar and art groups and social activities.